What is Purple Registry platform?

Purple registries are specialized digital systems designed to support the disability ecosystem. They serve as comprehensive databases that store and provide access to information about services, resources, and individuals related to disabilities. These registries are created to assist people with disabilities, their families, and professionals by making it easier to find essential information.

Why Purple Registry

The purpose of purple registries is to streamline access to information, making it simpler for people with disabilities to find the services and support they need. By centralizing this information, purple registries aim to improve service accessibility, facilitate better coordination among service providers, and empower individuals with disabilities by providing them with the tools to make informed decisions about their care and support

How does Purple Registry work?

Purple Registries must be designed to seamlessly integrate with existing India Stack components. For instance, in PWD Registry, by connecting with Aadhaar or the government issued UDID (Unique Disability Identification Card), the verification process gets significantly simplified. Purple Registries make the most of what's already there. They connect with Aadhaar and other existing tools to simplify life for the disability community. Imagine finding support, jobs, or accessible housing quickly and easily, all thanks to Purple Registries using what's already available. It's a smarter way to build a more inclusive future for everyone.

Who does Purple Registry help?

Purple Registries go beyond data storage by placing ownership and responsibility for profile maintenance directly in the hands of Persons with Disabilities (PwDs). This empowers PwDs while ensuring data accuracy and real-time updates. Imagine PwDs seamlessly updating their profiles with their skills, qualifications, and support needs.

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